Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Switching Cities

Crazy news!

Most everyone who reads this blog knows that Adam works for Guilford, a manufacturer of automotive and other specialty fabrics.  About two months ago, Guilford was bought by Lear Corporation.  Lear is a lot like Guilford, only bigger, and with deeper pockets.  And it just so happens that Guilford specializes in everything Lear is not so good at.  So it’s like a nice little puzzle piece fitting right in there.  The only thing that doesn’t fit so nicely is that Lear already has its own plant in China, which happens to be a direct competitor with the joint venture that we’re working at now in Huainan.  And it’s beginning to look like Guilford is going to have to pull out of the Huainan plant and focus its expertise on Lear’s plant, New Trend, which is located in Rui’an, Zhejiang Province.  Even if Guilford ends up keeping the Huainan plant, it's pretty much been decided that Adam, Smudgie, and I will be moving to Rui'an.  We just don't know when yet.
We visited Rui’an right before our trip back to America to scope it out.  It was all very “hush hush” back then and even though Chinese people can’t read this blog because of the internet regulation, we still didn’t think we should write about it yet.  Anyways, Rui’an is a lovely city.  It borders the ocean and the other three sides are surrounded by little mountains (or large hills).  The air quality is better and the city seems more affluent.  Here are a couple pictures from the hotel window. 

The plant itself is out in the boonies, though.  So I think we could live quite comfortably in Rui’an and then we’ll just have a 40 minute drive to work every day, which is the same as when we lived in Harrisburg, PA.  I must admit, I’ve grown quite fond of Huainan and I’m sad to think of leaving it.  It’s also annoying that all the work we’ve done thus far at the Huainan plant was essentially for nothing.  But I am up for the adventure.  As long as we can find a nice apartment with heating, cooling, and high speed internet, we’ll be fine!

Originally we were told that they wouldn’t need a designer at this new plant.  So I started thinking about becoming an English teacher.  I don’t have any qualifications or anything… but I speak English, quite well I might add.  But when we visited the plant, the girl who took us on the tour said they want me.  Apparently Lear has a design studio in Shanghai, which is where they would prefer me to work, but I said no because I want to be wherever Adam is.  I didn't move to China with my husband just so I could live in a different city than him.  :)  There’s one designer working in Rui’an but she works in the home textiles division, not the automotive.  So if I’m going to work in Rui’an, I’m not sure whether I’ll be doing automotive or home.  I just hope they don’t have me going to Shanghai all the time, since the train ride is 5 hours instead of the 2 I’m used to.  And the landscape the train runs through is really hilly/mountainous so there are several tunnels and my ears pop in every single one.  It’s quite annoying.  My biggest concern about moving is finding a new housekeeper who makes delicious food and takes good care of Smudgie like our current one does.  We are so spoiled! 

Smudgie is a wonderful little puppy.  When we moved into this apartment, there were two rugs: one by the front door and one by the bathroom door.  Smudgie loved laying on those rugs.  We bought a bathmat and stored the rug that was by the bathroom in the closet for several months.  In May, I took that rug out of the closet to use it as a mat to do crunches on.  I guess they don't sell workout mats for home use in China, 'cause I've never seen one.  Anyways, the rug was still a bit thin so I folded up Smudgie's snuggle towel and put it on top of the rug for extra cushion.  As soon as the towel hit the rug, Smudgie immediately layed down on it.
You put this down for me, right?
In this picture he looks like he's trying to seduce me with that carrot toy.

This one looks like an author photo to me.  If Smudgie wrote a book, this is the picture they'd put on the inside of the flapjacket.

He's such a cutie.  It's a miracle I ever got him to let me use it.  


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