Sunday, July 22, 2012

America Trip

We’re back from America!  Here’s a short synopsis of our adventures. 

We saw our niece, Alison:

Planted pineapple plants and found a snake in the garden:

Ate way too much food:
Gigantic portions

Mmmmm Cook Out
Doritos taco

Marveled at all the fat people:

Played games at the beach:

Introduced innocent victims to baijiu:

Saw clouds like this:

Went to a cool bar:

Missed our puppy!!

We still don't have him back because there was a miscommunication about when we were coming home.  I'll see him after work today!!

As much as I enjoyed the American food, I'm glad to be back in the land of light eating.  I realized that part of enjoying food is actually being hungry for it.  But when you're eating such big meals all the time, it's hard to be hungry for the next one.  It's amazing I only gained 3.5 lbs throughout the trip.  Thanks, muscles!

Here's a picture of the Shanghai skyline down at the Bund:

The last time we were there the moisture in the air fogged up my camera so I couldn't post the picture.  And speaking of light eating, Dreamer and Sophie took us out to dinner last night and one of the dishes was a plate full of Shugua, which is a melon you can only find in the Anhui province.  They told me "shu" means vegetable and "gua" means melon, which is funny because that's exactly what it tastes like.  A sweet vegetable!   

Time to get back into China Mode! 

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