Tuesday, January 10, 2012

We got a housekeeper

A couple weeks ago, Adam and I got an e-mail from Anna, one of the HR girls. She said the company feels like they aren’t taking good enough care of us and they’d like to hire someone to cook and clean for us. This may have stemmed from Dreamer picking my brain about what we eat for dinner and me answering honestly. She also saw our apartment and must have thought it was messy. We politely declined, but to no avail. Mr. Xu (the general manager) told us a few days later that they are hiring us housekeeper. At Christmas dinner they joked about getting us an attractive female housekeeper (I actually thought they weren’t joking at the time). But then we heard that the person might be a guy. Last Friday they came over to see the apartment and at that point, I still believed it was a man! Sure looked like one. But I found out today she’s a woman. Mrs. Wang is her name and she comes to us from one of Mr. Tong’s friend’s friends (guanxi!!!). She worked for the same lady for 10 years so I’m sure she won’t steal anything.

She’s been here twice now and has made these three dishes so far. Two of them were amazing.

Last night she brought her daughter and Smudgie looooooves her!

Also, my co-workers’ aunt sent her some kind of bread that’s only made in the Zhejiang province and she shared it with everyone. I didn’t catch the name of it so I’m calling it “paper bread” because it’s paper thin. It’s like a cross between a rice cake and a communion wafer (it’s not made from rice, though, that’s just what it tastes like). And I love it! Too bad I’ll probably never have any more of it.
Here is Smudige snoozing on his pillow like a little angel!

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