Sunday, January 15, 2012

Company New Year's Party

Chinese companies celebrate New Year's like American companies celebrate Christmas, only with kareoke. The party was held at a big hotel, and all 300ish employees attended. Here is the view from our table:
We sat at the head table with Mr. Tong, Cynthia, and several retirees. To start the night off, there were some speeches, and then some awards given out for the outstanding employee in every department. Then sprinkled throughout the night, there were singing performances by several employees. Here's an old guy accompanied by an accordian:
Mr. Zheng, my boss, got up on stage with a drum and I thought he was going to give a drum performance but it turns out they were just playing a game where a bundle of napkins gets passed around while the drum is played and whoever has it when the drum stops gets a prize. I took a picture anyways:
Adam and I had to sing a song, of course, so we chose "Auld Lang Syne" because it seemed appropriate. Here we are, trying not to be embarassed by how terrible we sound:
And later on they pulled us up on stage to sing a group song about friends. We didn't know the words so we just smiled:
They had a drawing for prizes (cookware) and money and I won an electric tea kettle.
Side story:
Dreamer got a ring with "LUCK" engraved on it, hoping it would bring her luck. She especially hoped it would help her win the grand prize of 2,000 yuan. That didn't happen. In fact, she didn't win anything. I tried to convince her it wasn't a lucky ring but she still wore it. She also bought two hamsters lately and was very excited about them. Well, when we were at the dentist the second time, her sister called to tell her that one of the hamsters had died already. She doesn't wear the ring anymore.

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