Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Culture Time! Manly Men

Time for a culture lesson on Chinese men.  This is a list of things I've observed a lot of Chinese men doing that American people might find a wee bit peculiar!

1. Sharing a scooter together - Nothing wrong with two men sharing a scooter/motorcycle, but I doubt you'll find that happening in America (among straight men anyway).  It's quite common here, and it's probably just carpooling.  Although I've never seen the back guy "holding on", it's still pretty cute.

2. Letting their wives/girlfriends drive the scooter - Between the man driving and the woman driving, I'd say it's about 50/50 here whenever I see two (or more) people on a scooter.  I know Adam doesn't mind if I drive him in a car, but I think if we were on something more exposed, he wouldn't want to ride in the "bitch seat".

3. Having girly ringtones - For example, Mr. Zheng's ringtone is "Complicated" by Avril Lavigne.  And our driver used to have a ringtone that was a girl group singing "La la la la la la, laaaa la la la la la!".

4. Wearing pajamas in public - Now, I don't know a single American guy who even owns an actual set of pajamas, let alone wears them in public.  But here, it's completely acceptable, especially in the wintertime.  I think a lot of people either don't have heat in their homes or keep the heat down very low to save money, because they have these really thick quilted pajamas.  You can see people wearing them outside all the time as if they are regular clothes.  They have summer pajamas too, and they will often wear them while out on an evening stroll.

5. Rolling their shirts up to expose their midriff on a hot day - Conversely, when it's hot, Chinese men will roll their shirts up to air out the ol' potbelly.  Women don't do this, just the men.  And of course it's mostly the fatter men.

6. Growing their fingernails out - Some guys grow them all out, some just grow out the pinky nail.  After some internet research, I've read that long fingernails is a sign of wealth and status because its proves you don't do manual labor.  The long pinky nail is significant because in ancient palmistry it was said that if your pinky finger reached past the last knuckle on your ring finger, it was a sign of intelligence and that you had a superior bloodline.  They are also good for nose and ear cleaning!

Well, that's the end of my list for now.  We found out we will be moving in approximately two weeks!  Adam is going apartment shopping next week since he'll already be in Rui'an.  He's been working there and coming home on the weekends for the last few weeks which has really sucked so we're ready to move.  And this time, the relocation company is on the ball (unlike last time when we had to find our own way to Huainan from Shanghai) and they'll be moving us by van!  So we don't have to take a bus this time.  Smudgie is very thankful!

Sleeping cutely

Enjoying Daddy's company

Flying!  (not enjoying Daddy's company so much)

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