Perhaps he ate too much Elaborate Bacon
The thing I find most baffling about this, other than the
fact that he’s so young, is that he had to go to Beijing. A heart attack is not so complicated and rare
a thing that you should have to go to the very best hospital in the country to
get treated. Is it really true that
there was no hospital closer than Beijing that had the equipment and qualified
doctors to deal with a heart attack? Not
even in Nanjing? That boggles my mind! I sure hope nothing happens to us. Actually, when we were first negotiating the
terms of our employment over here, Ian (an R&D guy out of Guilford US who
was offered the China job and turned it down) told us not to settle for a
health insurance plan that didn’t cover a helicopter to airlift us to Shanghai,
Beijing, or Hong Kong should we be seriously hurt. I laughed about it then, but perhaps it
wasn’t such a frivolous demand. (Don’t
worry, we got it)
So my next thought is, just how cheap is Chinese
healthcare? Because Mr. Hong did not
make very much money at all. I hope he
won’t be drowning in debt now.
Smudgie is hiding behind his poofball tail
One of my co-workers in Beijing got sick and needed a blood transfusion, but since the transfusions in China are not safe (i.e. no one tests to make sure the donors don't have HIV, etc), he refused and spent a week in the hospital instead when he could have gotten the transfusion and been out in a day. I think you should find out how expensive the hospitals are - there's no way the costs are anywhere close to those in the US. We have a ridiculous health care system.