Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pictures of Shanghai

Our Street

As pointed out by my sister, I haven't taken any pictures of the streets in China. She was dying to know more about what it looks like here, but truth be told, it's not that different from America. I'd say the biggest difference, visually, is the residential housing. There are no suburbs. Both in Shanghai and in Huainan, the only housing I've seen is in a high rise building. And the buildings are ugly. There seems to be no value placed on making a dwelling look nice on the outside. I remember our condo in Wilmington and it was adorable. That was one of the reasons we lived there. But forget about that in China.

This is the view from our window in Shanghai

This is an up-close shot of a residential building

And yes, EVERYONE hangs their clothes to dry outside their window or just inside with the window open. Apparently dryers aren't very popular. And in my opinion, the clothes hanging outside the window doesn't help the building's appearance.

But one thing you can't escape about China is the smells. The smells typically change between car exhaust, sewage, and food and you can ususally always smell at least one at any given time. In a taxi with the window open, watch out! Because the smells change every time you turn a corner and sometimes they catch you off guard. :)

Today we went to a restaurant called Hot Pot, where they boil a soup stock in the middle of your table and you order meat, veggies, and noodles to put in it. It was amazing! We put lamb, potato, noodles, mushrooms, and dumplings in ours. Before and after pics are below.

Smudgie put his toy in my shoe. This picture looks staged but it's not!

Smudgie playing with a plastic bag

A bustling street at dusk

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