Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bumming it in Shanghai

So we've been in Shanghai a few days now. We have to stay here for a bit while we wait for our residence permits. We were supposed to get Smudgie today but the plane that was supposed to take him from Amsterdam to Shanghai had a problem with the temperature control in the cargo area so they wouldn't let any pets on it. He took the next available flight so we'll get him tomorrow. Eeeeeeeee can't wait!

These first few days, our schedule has gone like this:

1. Wake up whatever time we feel like it

2. Venture outside and pick a place to eat

3. Order food that doesn't look too weird and save enough to reheat for dinner

4. Hang out watching movies on HBO or Star Movies all afternoon
5. Sleeeeeeeeeeeep

It's pretty much the life. Too bad it can't stay this way.

Our first full day here, we went walking around, got some currency exchanged, ate lunch, and on our way back to the hotel, we saw (I kid you not) an old Chinese man wearing a UNC Tarheels T-shirt. We couldn't believe it. For those of you reading this blog who don't know Adam, he hates the Tarheels. He refused to let me get a picture of the guy because "There's absolutely no reason for that guy to be wearing that shirt". Which is true, but still, I wanted a picture.

Yesterday we went to the Shanghai zoo because it's walking distance from our hotel. They had all the normal zoo animals, plus pandas, and way too many bird exhibits. Half the zoo was birds and we didn't have time to see the whole zoo so we skipped the bird half. Below are some pictures!!

Yummy grass - This guy was HUGE

Sleeping panda - That's a piece of bamboo leaf stuck to his butt

Adam and elephants

I touched a monkey! He tried to pick my fingernail off.

Along the same lines as touching monkeys, Chinese people do not pay attention to the "Don't feed the animals" signs. I was pretty surprised and saddened by how many people threw popcorn, bread, and other things into the exhibits, including wrappers!

The restaurant we went to for lunch yesterday had ox penis on the menu. Gross. And it was one of those places where you can order meat raw and you cook it yourself in a kind of fon du pot on your table. We didn't do that because we didn't realize it until we looked at the people behind us. I just saw raw meat on the menu and went "Ew, we're not getting raw meat, next page!" We have discovered a few amazing foods already, though. I just wish we knew what they were.

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