Tuesday, September 11, 2012

First Week in Rui'an

Living in Rui'an has been pretty relaxing so far.  I looooove being able to walk to the grocery store.  No more taxis!  I forgot to mention that I actually won’t be working at this plant like I originally thought.  I’m not sure of the exact reason, but I don’t really care.  I’m happy to take a break and enjoy China more.  I am loving how deserted this city is during the day.  Rui’an is a business city so most people have day jobs.  As such, our apartment complex and the surrounding area have almost no one roaming around during the day.  Smudgie and I can take walks in peace, only occasionally getting stared at.
Our building

Remember when I mentioned that our apartment has heat lamps in the shower?  Well now we know why.  There doesn’t seem to be any hot water in our apartment.  Not in the kitchen or either bathroom.  We think the heat lamps are there to keep you from freezing your ass off as you’re showering in luke warm water.  It’s tolerable for now, but I’m worried about what it will be like to shower in the winter time.    

There’s an overabundance of grown women who are afraid of Smudgie in our apartment building.  Something is wrong when a 10 lb fluff ball causes you to jump back and cower.  I was taking Smudgie out yesterday and when the elevator opened there was already a family of three in it with a 6 year old daughter.  I was holding Smudgie so there was no chance of him jumping on them, but even so, both the mom and the daughter gasped with fright and hid behind the dad as I entered the elevator.  This isn’t the first time women have been scared of him, just the most over-the-top reaction I’ve gotten.  And it wasn’t like once they realized he was harmless, they calmed down and felt stupid for being afraid.  No, they maintained their scared expressions until I got off the elevator.  Honestly, he’s a dog, have you not seen a dog before?  I’d understand if he were bigger but there’s just no excuse for this.
Don’t be scared of me, love me!! 
We don’t have a housekeeper so I bought a whole bunch of cooking oils and sauces and am learning how to use them.  So far so good!  One thing I'm really missing is stoves that have 4 burners.  And ovens!

Our neighbor has a kid that practices his saxophone every night and we can hear it loud and clear.  He's not very good, either, but there's nothing we can do about it.  He does play "Glory Glory Hallelujah", which is interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Allan wanted you to know that it is not Smudgie everyone is afraid of!
