Thursday, July 14, 2011

Going with the flow

This blog comes to you from Adam:

So, the company goes out and gets me lunch everyday and brings it back. The first day I told them McDonald's would be fine. The guy translating for me said "Double Cheeseburger?" The translators are OK at best, they don't have the full English language down yet so I typically take the path of least resistance. I said "Sure, I just need two, and some fries." So I get some soggy fries and two double cheeseburgers on Tuesday. When they asked me Wednesday I said "Same as yesterday". So I got more soggy fries and two more doubles. On Thursday I said "Same as yesterday" again. The lady looked at me and asked my assistant/translator "Is he tired of the same thing?" I said "No, no, it's ok. I don't mind." When my food came back I had soggy fries and two Big Macs. So now we have a fun little game going. What is Adam getting from McDonald's today? The lady has stopped coming in to ask what I want and just brings something now. Yesterday she brought me two cans of Coke with my lunch, which I quickly destroyed and asked for another one later in the day. My assistant came back and said she'd make sure to get a big one tomorrow. Tuesday and Wednesday they brought a 1.25 L of Coke with my lunch so I assumed that's what I'd get today. What did I get? Soggy fries, two grilled chicken sandwiches, and a giant 2.3L of Coke which is equivalent to 7 cans here. Needless to day, my lunch hour is pretty entertaining.

Bonus story:

Last night, Adam clogged the toilet and there's no plunger in our hotel room. Luckily, there are some cleaning ladies working on the room next door. Surely they have one, but what do I call it? So I go to Google Translate, which I know is just going to give me the literal translation of "plunger" and that's probably not the word I need to use, but it's all I've got. So we peek our heads around the corner and go "Zhu sai?" And the lady gives us the most awesome look of confusion mixed with "I'd better just follow them and see what they want". She was able to get a plunger from somewhere so all is well, but I truly wonder what we must have sounded like to her. "plunger?!"

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