Friday, June 7, 2013

Who'd Like to Hear Me Complain??

Sorry for the lack of blogs, but nothing has been going on here. It rains all the time and we're both kind of suffering from seasonal depression. That's right, seasonal depression in the summer time. I'm supposed to fit into a size 2 dress for Adam's brother's wedding but I'm just not motivated to workout when it's raining all the goddamn time. The sun comes out about 5 times a month, and even though I can do strength training indoors, I'm not going out running in the rain. I'm just not. The puddles are ridiculous. China hasn't figured out how to make streets and walkways slightly rounded in the center so the rain drains away. Instead, they're incredibly uneven so puddles are everywhere. Also, the walkways are crap and full of loose pavers that store water under them and when you step on them unsuspectingly, they rock and water shoots out and gets all over your legs and shoes. We're so ready to come home it's not even funny. Less than a week until we're in the States again!
We were just discussing this morning how everything in China is just a little bit crappier. It's not so bad at first, but over time it really wears on you. When you wince as you go to open a new orange juice because you're not sure if the top is going to unscrew properly or not, that's when you just can't wait to get back home. Here's a picture of a brand new orange juice:
The screw top has this stupid mechanism inside that's supposed to puncture the box as you open it for the first time. And first of all, when it works correctly, the result looks like this:
There's barely any space for the orange juice to come out and it comes out all GLUG GLUG GLUG and splashes everywhere. Most of the time we have to poke a hole in the box to let air out so it flows better and then tape the hole closed when not in use. But this morning, instead of doing that, the whole top came off as Adam unscrewed it. So now there's just a hole in the box and it glugs out even worse. Also, we have to keep it closed with a wadded up piece of papertowel:
*sigh* Did I ever tell you that one of our toilet seats broke the very first week after we moved in and we've just been living with it ever since? It cracked into a bunch of jagged pieces because it's just made out of cheap plastic and I tried to glue and tape it back together. It sort of serves its purpose still but sometimes the jagged pieces poke you in the butt.
We would gladly fix it ourselves but where do you buy a replacement toilet seat in China? They don't have Home Depot. Also, the lightbulbs in our bedroom burnt out and we can't replace them without involving Vivian because the RT-Mart doesn't carry the correct size replacement bulbs. We'd rather not bother anybody so we're just going to live without light in the bedroom for the rest of our time here. Our landlord is going to think we're pretty inconsiderate, leaving the place in shambles but honestly I don't care. I'm sure she'd rather fix a few minor things once we move out, than have to come over here everytime we have a problem.  I could go on about how one of our TWO burners has decided to stop working so now I can only cook with one... but I think I'm done.  I'm done!